The Effect of Inflation on Retirement Planning

The Effect of Inflation on Retirement Planning Facebook Twitter LinkedIn How much money do I need to retire? Or stated another way: How much money do I need to achieve the freedom to BE ABLE to retire…in other words, to make work optional? Is that a question you think about? Does it keep you up […]
Financial Habits for Building Wealth

Financial Habits For Building Wealth Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Financial Freedom: the option to work or coast, to pursue a passion, to control your own time and resources. If you had the financial resources to do anything you wanted, would it be what you’re currently doing? Financial Prisoner: tied to your paycheck, often due to a […]
Is FIRE Really Feasible?

Is FIRE Really Feasible? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn I’m a Certified Financial Planner™ practitioner, and I also “retired” from my first career at age 52 after 26 years in Technology. I had planned for “Financial Independence, Retire Early” or FIRE (before it was called “FIRE”) since my mid-twenties; however, I did not realize until my mid-forties […]