Lifestyle Creep can Ruin Your Retirement!

Lifestyle Creep can Ruin Your Retirement! Facebook Twitter LinkedIn When you get a raise or a bonus, does your spending on lifestyle consume all the increase, or do you maintain (or better yet, increase) your savings rate? If you’re spending all your raises and bonuses on current consumption, your savings rate (in other words, the […]
Saving for Retirement is Your Own Responsibility

Saving For Retirement is Your Own Responsibility Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Gone are the days of private sector companies providing pensions for their employees. And even if pensions were still the primary means of retirement planning, most people will never stay with a company long enough to reap the full benefits even if it were offered. […]
Common Financial Mistakes

Common Financial Mistakes Facebook Twitter LinkedIn As a flat fee financial planner, I tend to work with younger clients who haven’t yet built up enough investable assets to land on the radar of the “1% of assets” advisory firms. I have a passion for teaching younger tech professionals and business owners good financial habits. Here […]
The Effect of Inflation on Retirement Planning

The Effect of Inflation on Retirement Planning Facebook Twitter LinkedIn How much money do I need to retire? Or stated another way: How much money do I need to achieve the freedom to BE ABLE to retire…in other words, to make work optional? Is that a question you think about? Does it keep you up […]
Financial Habits for Building Wealth

Financial Habits For Building Wealth Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Financial Freedom: the option to work or coast, to pursue a passion, to control your own time and resources. If you had the financial resources to do anything you wanted, would it be what you’re currently doing? Financial Prisoner: tied to your paycheck, often due to a […]
Is FIRE Really Feasible?

Is FIRE Really Feasible? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn I’m a Certified Financial Planner™ practitioner, and I also “retired” from my first career at age 52 after 26 years in Technology. I had planned for “Financial Independence, Retire Early” or FIRE (before it was called “FIRE”) since my mid-twenties; however, I did not realize until my mid-forties […]
Are You Saving Enough for Retirement?

Are You Saving Enough for Retirement? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Have you ever sat down and tried to figure out how much money you’ll need for a retirement that could last thirty years or more? I’m guessing if you’re reading this article, you have likely given it some serious thought. And if you’re anything like me, […]